Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 11 Blog # Gay Marriage

I am puzzled by the arguments against same sex marriage.
Confused, bewildered, nonplussed and flummoxed.
I've read many arguments for and against and I'm still mystified by it all.
None of it makes any sense.
No, gay marriage is not traditional, but my marriage isn't traditional either.
I didn't marry for social, legal or economic reasons and my father didn't choose my mate.

(mother at centre in pink)

(from left to right - daughter from second marriage, grandson, stepdaughter in-law, granddaughter in-law, granddaughter in-law from husband's third marriage, grandson in-law from third husband's second marriage, adopted son, gay son's son via surrogacy, first husband's second wife, daughter, my third husband's daughter, my third husband's daughter's stepson, my third husband's daughter's other stepson, my bisexual fuckbuddy and his triplets from his first marriage).

I'm pretty sure Christmas and Easter aren't celebrated in the traditional way any more either but they haven't been banned, nor will they ever be.

(nice and traditional)

Marriage isn’t for procreation any more either. Anyone can do it.

Even gay people!!!

What confuses is me most in this debate, is why our government would make it legal for gay people to have children and then endlessly debate whether or not they should let them get married as well.
See my confusion?
It’s the wrong way around. It’s not logical.

The modern reason for marriage is only love (and some legal, protective issues).


Why would anyone want to ban love?
Surely it could only be the mean spirited or the bigoted or the homophobic - and we have laws that protect us against these people, so that's confusing me too.

It's pretty widely understood that the government are afraid of the Christian right who are the leaders in the argument against same sex marriage.

(go figure)

Plenty of people, when grilled on why they don't support gay marriage, can't really explain it. They just think it's wrong - yet many religions and churches support it.

And there it is.
It all comes down to anal sex.
People can’t handle it.
When they think ‘gay’, they picture anal sex and it disturbs them.
I wonder why?
Perhaps they've either been abused and sodomised (probably by their local priest) or they have gay fantasies that they're ashamed of.
There's just no other logical explanation.
Now there's a debate to have at your next barbeque.



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