Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 7 Blog # To Come Or to Go

In western culture we often use the term
"I'm coming"
to herald in the approach of an orgasm.
The announcement of an imminent arrival.

In eastern cultures the same experience is referred to as
"I'm going".
An imminent departure.

This difference has always intrigued me:
akin to the yin and yang contrast between our collective cultural experiences.

To where are we (in the West) coming and to where are they (in the East) going?
Is the physical experience any different?
Is either term closer to the real truth?

Perhaps in 'coming', we are arriving at our desired destination or goal -
'coming' into a higher, better state of being.

It could also be argued that in 'going' we are leaving one place for a better, more desirable one.
We are 'going' to reach our goal.

If we equate orgasm with transcendence (mystics have traditionally spoken of religious experiences in sexual, rapturous language and conversely, orgasm is often described in religious terms) then perhaps our cultural and spiritual beliefs can effect our experience of orgasm, just as our chosen religion can effect our experience of God.

I wonder if we could all enjoy lovemaking more if we began to see sexual ecstasy not as a destination at all - a place to which we must arrive, or a state from which we must leave - but as a state of true being.

Yes, yes, yes....




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