Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Liebster Award

I have just had the the sweetest note dropped in to my inbox.

It informed me of a Liebster award bestowed upon me for blogging!

Michelle Wright, owner of Mishfit, nominated me for this award, and is herself a wonderful teacher of fitness and health with remarkable business savvy. So thanks Mishi. Ich liebe dich!

What is a Liebster you may wonder? Both a word (German for dearest or beloved) and an honour, it is bestowed by those in the early stages of writing a blog (less than 200 followers) upon 3-5 bloggers they admire.

When nominated we should:

1. Link back to the blogger who awarded us.

2. Tag 3-5 blogs to receive the award.

3. Inform them of their nomination.

4. Display the Liebster Award image on our blog.

Here are 3 of my favorite bloggers.

1. I met Tanishka of Star of Ishtar many years ago. She drifted through my shop door leaving a trail of exotic, mysterious scent in her wake. Her flaming, wild red hair meandered in all directions while she perused such books as 'Goddess Orgasm', fanned herself with a peacock feather fan, dabbed spicy oils and fingered silky knickers - all the while smiling brightly and looking at me directly with her deep pools of light filled eyes. Tanishka brought the madness and delight of a snake charmed Moroccan bazaar with her and I was instantly hooked. She's a deep well of esoteric knowledge mixed with spot on intuition, is open and encompassing, as well as complex and infinite. She's a fantastic writer and I'm always delighted when her blog pings on my screen like magic.

2. Casey Jenkins and Rayna Fahey of Melbourne Craft Cartel are 'craftivists not capitalists' whose work inspired me when I saw them on a recent documentary 'Making it Handmade'. What I loved about the documentary, was the chance to see women who want to change things, alter perceptions and fight injustice, and who do so in a totally unique, peaceful, rootsy, hardcore but ultimately feminine way. I so often ponder my own perceived lack of power to change things, but seeing the way these women approach activism is truly inspiring. They're not in your face, they're not aggressive, they're not traditional, boring or money raising. They are everything woman represents. Nurturing, creative, loving, thoughtful and smart. And they're making the world a better place using all those qualities. Their blog speaks directly to me.

And now for my 3rd award........I haven't got one! Isn't that pathetic? I've been racking my brain, searching high and low, asking friends - all to no avail. I'm asking all of you to please help me with any suggestions so I can give my award posthumorously. Geez, you'd think it'd be easy to find a great writer who writes about all the things I'm most interested in.

Thank you again Mishi for nominating me for the Liebster award, it's just the kick in the pants that I need to get back into a writing habit - and for inspiring me to take up the challenge to blog for 21 days in a row (Ludwina Dautovic of Red Tent Radio says that google will then remember your website and rank it higher). I know that writing a quality blog each day will be a challenge… so would any other bloggers like to join me?


Bra Queen said...

Oh Michelle you make me laugh! I heart your blog :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks Renee. You really are the queen!


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