Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 4 Blog # The Slap

Have you been watching The Slap?
It's been a long time since I've been soooo excited about a TV show.
I race around making sure the kids are in bed, kitchen's tidy, cup of tea's ready (no mean feat) so I can greedily devour this brilliant show on ABC1. You can still watch it on iview if you've missed it.

When I read The Slap, by Christos Tsiolkas a couple of years ago, I did what everyone else did, and talked about it with shining eyes over food and drinks with friends and relatives.
I've often pondered the author's talent in taking a simple premise - in this case, corporal punishment - and turning it in to a novel of such beauty and complexity. This is a book that has sparked a million conversations, ruminations, questions and judgements. I loved it!

The success of The Slap has got me thinking about how I too can take an average modern dilemma like smacking, and turn into a bestselling novel?
Then it came to me.
Pubic hair!
It's a pretty hot topic at the moment and many of us have our own perspective on the to wax or not to wax debate. Hell I've even written a whole blog about it!
So here is the synopsis for my next novel.
Please let me know your thoughts.


A small gathering of friends get together in an inner suburban Melbourne backyard one Saturday afternoon for a barbeque.
All is progressing amicably enough until Sharon, (who's a bit of a party girl) wearing a short denim mini, leans too far back in her chair toppling backwards. She lands, legs akimbo, revealing one very smoothly shaven left labia in all it's gleaming glory. She'd elected to go commando on this particular day. In that moment, which seemed to span eons, her partner and 3 couples zoomed in.
The rippling effect of this event reverberates through all witnesses, having a myriad of knock-on effects.
Carol and Steve's marriage breaks up because Steve "looked for far too long and with unbridled lust in his eyes." Carol always suspected he'd had the 'hots' for Shazza. She also took it as a personal affront to her thick bushy triangle of which she was very fond.
Michael and Evie discussed the pros and cons of shaving/waxing and experimented with surprising results.
Teri and Arnold had deep and meaningful discussions concerning the appeal of a pre-pubescent look in relation to adult sexuality and what it all meant.
Sharon and Greg continued to have fun.
Various infidelities, break ups, make ups, opinions and events intertwine and play out as a result of


The butterfly flapped and the cyclone roared.


Lucille said...

hilarious! love it

Anonymous said...

Love many other possibilities...The Slup - Kiwi's have bbq's too; The Cup - same story but on a Tuesday

Unknown said...

The possibilities really are endless aren't they!
he he


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