Sunday, June 24, 2012


One of the darkest, most thrilling and erotic things I ever heard, was told to me by a friend a long time ago. 

She, a raven haired, caramel-limbed, horse riding beauty, and he a smouldering, guitar playing sex pot who cooked and sang, stoked up the fire and hosted wild parties, finally got it on one wintry Victorian, star-filled night.

She told me that when he eventually seduced her, wrapped her up and flung her on the bed, she apologised and confessed that she had her period.

She explained to me, over cheap wine and biscuits, that he had no issue with it and proceeded to go down on her with relish. A long time later, he looked up into her eyes with a face smeared with her menstrual blood and made love to her.

She told me this story many moons ago and I've never forgotten it. It thrilled me to the core and lodged something deep within me, evoking my own pagan, mysterious, dark and spiritual self. It spoke of carnal desire, lust - worship.

When we approach our lover with fervent wonder and devotion, it takes away all shame and guilt. A love of nature, a sense of awe and a respect for life and self - when transmitted to a lover - is transcendental.

You don't have to follow the Germaine Greer test to achieve it, but deeply enthusiastic sex pays homage to your lover, and thereby bestows the ultimate gift of self respect.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012


For all our feminist achievements, our sex lives are going down the gurgler.  The media is bursting with women pointing the finger and crying blue murder about misogyny and sexism, and yet I’m beginning to think that this has become counterproductive. We’re shooting ourselves in our collective fat arses and suffering the consequences in the bedroom.

Firstly, men love women, they don’t hate them. A shitty remark does not a misogynist make. I’m all for pointing out an indiscretion when I see it, but bringing men to heel is threatening our sexual satiety. For woman to come into her full power (the perfect balance to man), she must evolve without the assumption of a patriarchy. 

Demanding an equal playing field and the right to be the same as men, reinforces a woman’s belief that her own nature is inferior - striving to be equal to a man confirms her rank. When she comes from a place of oppression, the struggle must be to emerge as herself, not as her persecutor; equality on a woman's terms.

The fact that men are physically stronger, more competitive and ambitious by nature has allowed men, quite naturally, to control the social, political and economic landscape so far. Feminism’s problem, has been to try to alter this situation by encouraging women to be more like men (whose qualities threaten her) instead of fostering a culture where women’s characteristics, in contrast to a man’s, are celebrated and rewarded.

Women need to continue being their best and creating structures that reward femininity and resist deriding men for every indiscretion. This derision is transforming men into confused, hurt and vain metrosexuals who are just not that attractive, let’s face it.  And ironically, for all the advances in sexual equality, many exhausted women just want a man to provide, be gorgeous and screw her like she’s the last woman on earth. Christian Grey, a man who makes all the decisions will do nicely thank you. (50 Shades of Grey has just topped 10 million sales and cornered 25% of the adult fiction market)!

When women use male mockery as a tool for liberation, confusion sets in. Men begin to question their true nature, which is, to protect, compete and win whilst women become harder to conquer, love and cherish. If, on the other hand, a woman’s true nature (generous, nurturing, vulnerable) is heralded and valued, sexual liberation can begin to evolve and fulfil itself instead of stagnating as it is now. It’s like positive parenting - it’s better to reward the good behaviour and ignore the bad.

Undoubtedly, the equalising of our opposing natures, made possible because of feminism, has transformed us into richer and more whole individuals. Women enjoy independence and opportunity and men benefit from a greater emotional intelligence. But the sex has become so frigging boring. Men are suffering from all manner of performance issues and women can’t decide if they want the, now taboo, knight in shining armour or the waxed, buffed, politically correct nancyboy, who does the dishes but is crap in the sack.

It is sexual polarity that is the foundation of sexual passion, and for bedroom fireworks, male and female difference must be magnified not diminished. In a world where male and female essence is more closely aligned, we need to make an honest evaluation of our core sexual nature in order to be sexually satiated.

Ask yourself if you prefer to be sexually dominated (feminine) or to take the lead (masculine) most of the time. Great sex happens when one is the victor and one is the vanquished - butch/femme, top/bottom, master/slave. It doesn’t matter who is the giver and who is the receiver, but acceptance of one’s general tendency will guarantee more spark in the bedroom. If both partners are sexually well balanced, then roleplay will be necessary to ward off a passionless sex life.

"Now we are ready to move to the next stage, grounded in this mutual respect and equality, but celebrating the sexual and spiritual passions inherent in the masculine/feminine polarity."*

*The Way of the Superior Man, by David Deida

By Michelle Temminghoff

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