Thursday, December 22, 2011


As is usual at this time of year, my mind turns to new beginnings, resolutions, plans and dreams of the future. Never though, has the past seemed so distant, so dark and out-dated, and the present so altogether outlandish and futuristic - like we're on our own version of The Starship Enterprise. Life is spinning as a whirling dervish - faster and faster - but to what end? With so much available to us with just a click, a command or a magical caress, it feels as though anything that can now be imagined or desired can be, almost instantly, willed into existence.

"Make it so." (Captain Kirk)

Philosophers and New Age thinkers argue that life and reality are idea and possibility realised. Although I adhere to this train of thought, never has it felt so completely and empirically true. A tender touch of the screen and you're shopping in London or inside a home in Peru. Technology and it's rapid, creative and unlimited advance has 'made it so': the idea has been realised. So why manifest a parking spot, a cloud or a feather when there are waterfalls, mountains, abundance and freedom begging?

"The human mind has first to construct forms, independently, before we can find them in things." Einstein

Already, social media is transforming the lives of our most unhappy and disaffected citizens. The Middle East is imagining and creating a new freedom and future for itself this minute. 1 in 5 Africans have access to the internet - more knowledge at their fingertips than any of the world’s leaders had just 15 years ago. Maybe it’s today's solstice or the imminent New Year, but possibilities, dreams and imaginings seem suddenly attainable. The veil between the idea and the reality is disappearing.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Einstein

It is as though the past is another world, another planet and those of us here now are creating a new future with just our imaginations. We are creating great wonders with our longing and creativity. Overcoming bigger problems of hunger, freedom, corruption and suffering seems achievable. With just our intent we can abolish all that has no place in our new, future dreamscape.

“Don’t be evil.” Google

If we assume that intent does in fact form reality, then we have a responsibility to project love and not hate. We must beam in to our world beauty not ugliness and foster forgiveness not revenge, gratitude not greed, compassion not bitterness. Christmas is a time of good will. It is our collective good will and creativity, not money or committees or politics, that will transform our world into Paradise on Earth.

"Thy will be done on earth,
As it is in heaven."
The Lord's Prayer


All paintings by Salvador Dali


Unknown said...

You write so beautifully. I am so enjoying your blog.
Happy holidays!

Unknown said...

That's the best Christmas present of all. Thank you Hexotica. I'm so happy to have some readers! xxx

Anonymous said...

Nourishing words. Indeed imagination is more important than knowledge! For it creates the future.

I think you would like Aldous Huxley's quotes.

Happy New Year & Keep writing!


Unknown said...

Thank you Fiona. I love Aldous Huxley and I used a lot of his thoughts on my other blog about women and antidepressants.
Thanks for reading and Happy New Year to you too! (My 7 yr old just got chicken pox so very quiet one this year).


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