I have severe writers block. Not just now but an ongoing reluctance to write anything at all. I constantly feel pressure to be out there writing blogs, commenting on other people's blogs and facebook pages and twitter feeds and so many more threads of crap that I don't understand or care about and yet I don’t.
And it's not like I haven't got anything to say - my job provides the perfect opportunity to write lots of interesting things. It's just that I can't be bothered. I know that sounds really bad and I feel really guilty but most of the stuff people write on the internet just doesn't interest me. And I am a voracious reader!
Because all of these words floating around in cyberspace just reek of self promotion and narcissism. I guess that is exactly what it's supposed to be but since when have we had to relentlessly spit out vacuous drivel just to attract people to OUR business as opposed to other people’s? Can't we just list ourselves in the directory, have a phone number, provide a great service and be done with it?
Noooo, now we have to set up a Facebook page, a website, a blog, myspace, a twitter feed, youtube, be Linkedin, and have email, fax, telephone, gmail a mobile and the list goes on. Don't even get me started on StumbleUpon, Delicious, Digg and Friendstar. I don't even know what they are yet.
For a person like me who's not that great with computers, it takes a loooong time to work out what all these things are, how to use them then apply them and make them better than everyone else's. The pressure is on! And then you go ahead and set them up and what do you say? 'Gee the weather's cold.' 'Has anyone seen my brain?' 'What time is it?' "Wow your hair looks nice in that photo'. "Isn't that dog cute?'
I don't hang out at school to talk to the mums, I don't have a circle of friends that I drink and gossip with. I find most conversations with women about their husbands and daily lives about as boring as batshit. I hardly ever text, my mobile is used mostly for work and I avoid answering the phone and sending emails. I hardly ever look at my Facebook page and if someone from my old high school wants to become my 'friend' I just think it's plain stupid. You weren't my friend then so why would you want to be now? It's just curiosity and voyeurism. I just don't care!
I know this makes me a bit weird, but my life feels pretty full as it is. But I AM supposed to use all this social media to help my business. And I won’t lie to you and pretend that the only reason I attempt it is because of my business. It’s a job and one that I am really crap at. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve written in my diary ‘Look at Facebook,’ ‘Write a blog a month,’ ‘Investigate Twitter,’ - all to no avail. I fail miserably at self-promotion - it just feels so......American.
I do love talking to customers and I love using what I know and have learnt over the years to help people, so I think I’ll just get on with trying to write about what really means something to me and not about what I had for dinner last night. (Pesto pasta with sardines, anchovies, tomatoes, olives and lemon). The red wine I enjoyed with it doesn’t help my writing efforts either by the way.
Great read, thanks Michelle
I LOVE that! It's you adn it's your soul and credit to you. You thoughts represent most Small Business owners and rightfully so it is a new business world and one that is foreign to alot of people. You ARE so good at what you do and you have so much knowledge to give and share. Yes the internet is fully loaded with self promotion and narcissism but its not like most Small business we have to search thru all of the seedy store to find our Passionfruit :-)
Think of us as if you are talking to a client and write it in the same way.
We love you
There are only so many hours in the day. Don't waste your precious time on what is not important to you. Real relationships and real communication are much more valuable than all the extra words that waft through the interweb and don't add value to your life.
Hi Michelle. 'A' for honesty. From the heart is what you obviously do very well, social media makes it public. I am commenting because I saw Bra Queens (Renee's) twitter request...I am a follower of hers. I too took a while to get my social media stuff going and am now really enjoying it. Social media gives you the chance to speak to your customers (current and future) in places they are hanging out in other than your shop!eg: twitter and facebook.
At the end of the day though, you don't have to do anything. Like so many things in life, you have to want to. Good luck! :)
that is hilarious!! i can so relate to this on so many levels!! Mums, husband battery and the wine... :) x Kat
god i love your ranting monologues Michelle - shame you don't do them more often because they're the best thing out there and I follow all of the abovementioned forums. you write brilliantly.
oh, and I'll be ignoring you at school pick up tomoz.
love ya
I for one would love to hear that stories that you could tell from your job (as long as I don't get mentioned!)... and yah for voyeurism, I say!
Awesome post, shot straight from the hip without the BS. BUT, social interactions have moved away from the old 'lets grab a coffee and have a chat', people are moving to the internet for the social connectivity, 65% of people between the ages of 16-24yrs old log onto facebook when they first wake up in the morning.
Online shopping rose 12% in just the last quarter, there are currently 26 million mobile phones in Australia more than our population, with more than half with internet access.
Unfortunately like it or not, you will have to get into the game of internet marketing (facebook, twitter, blogs, foursquare, etc etc) traditional marketing and the good old fashion shops will always be! Hey you will never see a hair salon close down, but consumables straight of the shelf...... its a whole new ball game.
Oh gosh! See great things happen when you write from the heart,
P.S Note to self re read comments before I submit :-/
I was also very reluctant to start tooting my own horn for my business. I don't have the time for articles, though I'd much rather write articles. So, I resorted to a photo-fashion and product blog mostly, and joined in the narcissism parade. To my surprise, and mainly because I market to a small niche/gothic sub-culture, I found myself surrounded by a community and have made true friends through blogging. Best of all, the more 'outfit' posts I posted and that I saw others post made me feel BETTER about how I dress and look because it's all REAL. We are so bombarded and surrounded with magazine images and trend-pushing, but blogs are an oasis of REAL girls wearing what they want, being the size they are, experimenting, sharing their own talents and ideas, supporting each other---no wonder so many girls are joining in. Who needs magazines anymore? I get my fashion fix through blogging, seeing what real girls are wearing. I'm glad girls are getting the courage up to be a little narcissistic; if it makes them feel better and more connected I'm all for it. Fuck commercial images, lets embrace the real ones.
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